The story of Assault on Titan focuses on the experiences of Eren Yeager, his foster sis, Mikasa Ackerman, as well as their childhood years buddy Armin Arlert. After the wall surface which secures their hometown of Shinganshina is breached by the Colossal Titan leading the other Titans to enter, Eren watches in horror as one of them consumes his mommy. Swearing to kill all the Titans, Eren enlists in the army, together with his buddies.
5 years later on, the 3 cadet grads are placed in Trost Area, among the boundary towns jutting out of Wall Rose when the Titans assault once again. In the following battle, Eren is consumed by among the Titans prior to Armin's eyes. A Titan later on shows up and also starts dealing with the various other Titans while neglecting human beings; the Titan is disclosed to be Eren, that has actually developed the ability to transform right into one. Though he is seen as a risk by some, he helps the army take back Trost District. After being positioned on test for being a risk to the people, he is taken in by the Survey Corps' Unique Procedures Squad, led by Captain Levi.
In an exploration to Shinganshina, the Scouts are struck by a Women Titan who tries to capture Eren. Although the Scouts are able to quickly record the Women Titan, she damages free as well as ravages Levi's squad, compeling the exploration to pull away. Armin determines that the Women Titan is Annie, among the cadets that showed Eren to fight, and also designs a strategy to catch her at Stohess. Throughout this operation, civilian casualties discloses that Titans stay in and comprise the walls surrounding the human negotiations.
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Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 7, 2016
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