The Incredibles is a 2004 American computer-animated superhero film created as well as directed by Brad Bird, created by Pixar Animation Studios, or even released by Walt Disney Pictures. The movie adheres to a family of superheroes that are required to hide their powers and also live a quiet suv life. Mr. Unbelievable's need in order to help people draws the whole household right into a fight with a bad guy and his deadly robot.
Bird, that was Pixar's very first outside supervisor, created the movie as an expansion of 1960s comic books or even spy films from his boyhood and personal family life. He pitched the movie to Pixar after the box workplace dissatisfaction of his very first feature, The Iron Giant (1999), as well as rollovered much of its personnel to create The Incredibles. The computer animation team was charged with animating an all-human actors, which called for developing brand-new innovation to animate detailed human anatomy, clothing or even practical skin and also hair. Michael Giacchino comprised the film's instrumental rating.
The movie premiered on October 27, 2004, at the BFI London Film Festival as well as had its basic launch in the USA on November 5, 2004. The film did well at the box workplace, grossing $631 million worldwide throughout its initial staged run. The Incredibles was consulted with high vital praise, gathering high marks from expert doubters, and also provoking discourse on its styles. The film got the 2004 Annie Award for Finest Animated Feature, along with two Academy Honors. It ended up being the initial entirely computer animated film to win the prominent Hugo Award for Best Significant Discussion.
Public opinion turns against human beings with superpowers-- called "Supers"-- or even after dealing with a number of claims over peripheral damages triggered by their crime-fighting tasks, the federal government compels them right into private relocation programs. Fifteen years later, Bob and also Helen Parr, formerly referred to as Mr. Amazing as well as Elastigirl, or even their youngsters Violet, Dashboard, as well as Jack-Jack live as a suv family members. Bob is dissatisfied with rural life or even his white-collar work and also longs for the magnificence days. On some nights, Bob and his old friend Lucius Best-- previously referred to as Frozone-- execute vigilante job, without their other halves' expertise
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Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 5, 2016
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